First Alert Z-Wave Smoke/CO Detectors with Hubitat
I recently bought a home, and it had no smoke detectors. Here is what I ended up with
I have never owned any Z-Wave devices before as I never had the need, but I wanted to know if my smoke alarms were going off, and I didn't want to spend $200 each on the Nest alarms. Its just another "smart" thing to go wrong
I ended up purchasing a three pack of First Alert Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms for just $100 shipped. I purchased them from Costco because it was the cheapest, and they have the best return policy

I threw the Hubitat in my rack, but I wasn't sure if all of the metal would cause an issue for range. It didn't
Getting them connected was easy, insert batteries into the tray and don't close it. Do a Z-Wave inclusion scan and then hold down the test button while pushing in the battery tray. Keep holding it for 5 to 10 seconds and they show up. Once they were paired I mounted them throughout my home
Once I did that, I configured Hubitat
Here you can see them listed

I installed the Habitat Safety monitor app and set it to use all detectors, and to give my devices a push notification if they go off

I lit some paper on fire and blew it out and tested one of the alarms. I instantly got a notification to all of my devices which showed it was working well
I also setup a dashboard so I could view the status of the alarms when away

There isn't much more to it, they just work
If you are looking for new smoke alarms, I would skip the Nest alarms and just get these. They work great